In early January 2009, I wrote a blog post proposing a new meetup for Melbourne’s online community. The inspiration was drawn from a similar event in Sydney called ‘Coffee Mornings‘, which involved people interested and working in the social media space. So, at 8am on 16 January, after a fantastic turnout ‘Social Media Melbourne’, or #socialmelb as it’s lovingly referred to, was created.

Six years in, the group has expanded beyond its humble beginnings and regularly comes together for the weekly breakfasts, bimonthly dinners and sporadic drinks. The group often acts for a hub for other meetups in Melbourne to connect out of and has been responsible for the spring up of other events such as Tweastie, Social Hobart and Social Bangalore.

The crew meets every Friday from 8am until around 9.30am. Anyone is welcome to come along – we get everyone from CEOs to students, and startup founders to managers in multinationals. The cross-industry interaction is particularly amazing and a rarity in other “networking events”. It’s also a good way to meet a lot of inspirational people doing great things (each with unique stories) in a friendly and informal environment.

From 2012, @kellos and @morsla are looking after the group and doing an amazing job at that!

Stay in touch:

Twitter: @socialmelb
Facebook: socialmelb
Meetup: #socialmelb
Flickr: Social Media Melbourne | #socialmelb

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